Weather Websites

Hi Students,

Here are a few really great websites that I thought you might like to check out and learn some more about the Weather.  These sites have lots games and information.  Always remember to ask an adult to help you if you want to try an experiment or click on a new link on a page.

Have fun learning about the weather and the Water Cycle.

From Miss K.

Weather Wiz Kids

BBC + weather

Met Office for Kids

Weather For Kids

Science Kids + Weather

1. Watercycle for kids

2. Water cycle + games for kids


  1. Wow Room 3, some cool websites!! Hope you are all enjoying these websites! Mr George

  2. I learnt that we can make rain in a pot.

    From Faith

  3. I learnt that clouds are little drops of water. I learnt that from the videos that we watched at toic time last week (week6).

  4. it's cool videos about the weather. I like that we are learning about it.


  5. I like being in rm 3 because the blog is really cool. From Jessie

  6. Hi miss Klener
    I learned that water is just water
    floating in the atmosphere
    From Tyler



Remember to be safe online so only ever write your first name!! We are looking forward to seeing who is reading our blog. :-)